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Sometimes the weather was nice and suddenly I was worried about yesterday’s Shirasu and I called a phone shortly before I took a walk back to the Shirasu sales office that I am taking care of every year. I walked like I climbed the riverbank from where I called and found out that the same sight that I saw yesterday was dripping the shirasu onto the concrete on the coast of the river. There was a man who was acquainted with a woman walking along the river and passing by. While I graduated from junior high school I went to the United States for about 3-4 months while I was doing a bite in this neighborhood familywear, but this mistaken woman was Mr. Mida of the chief part at that time. It has been more than 20 years since then, I noticed that it did not change so much, but I think I did not know the other person absolutely. Shiras had made a reservation for the phone so I waited for about 20 minutes to finish and brought it home. I wanted to eat it with cooked rice with a little ginger Choy sauce, but at this time I stopped eating because I fully incorporated sugar cutting from last year. Rice is not taken for nearly two months, instead substitute dinner with cotton tofu to eat natto and inaba tuna cans in 70 g of protein in 12 g qualities mixed with 0.2 g instead. Still hungry will come soon, so I will decide to take some oatmeal by drinking broken protein with water. We will eat rice pretty much in autumn or before May, but at this time it cuts lipids and carbohydrates with consciousness close to overseas people who fast. Wakameama Buddy is still as usual, but he does not have any help because he does not listen to what the body says if he does not try hard at this time. I will not ask people what to say I command myself I can touch my hands. Weekend e – sports tournament was held in Dominica ‘s country. There are no participating players from Japan and Asia. Famous players in South America and three players sponsored by North America got on board. It became a local competition of Dominican players who won the world championship of the end of last year at the end of the year. In case. A Dominican boy who got a prize money of nearly 300 million yen in one night got a local currency one of the famous celebrities. As if welcoming celebrities on the LCD screen of the big club of the city the appearance of the boy was reflected in all the large vision. His style of life has been posted on the SNS impressively the appearance that a group like hyena seeking spilling always surrounding the circumference is wandering around. The drawing of how dominika vs. American famous players in America’s scratch shop will have to defend the local convention will be completed with the best 8 at the end of the first day. Even if the champion himself did not win, concentrating on concentrating on annual seeding rights only protected the flag of his army. Hopefully to have other fellow Dominican players earn points. Last year’s character used by Ceph was taken carefully after the victory, and the result has not been able to be left since winning. If dominican players participated in many of the world tournaments and they were recognized, it might have been taken countermeasures beforehand to grab the championship. With that kind of thing it was a wonderful year that I was able to bring luck with this boy I got the necessary prize money in my life with a single blow and bring dreams to South America. Champ quickly went to the loser’s resurrection, and a bit of action was exposed all over the world I did not use my good character when fighting with my opponent’s same Dominican colleagues. The live commentary invited from the United States touched this thing. A sumo striking sumo wrestling, giving up points, it is fixed in one word. Because everybody knows that it is a tough level for other players in Dominica to gather points and participate in this event, it is the fact that everyone recognizes as many points as possible in the Dominican tournament where American and Japanese players are not participating It was done because it is the situation of the mast that you earn with. There was never a money concession, because it was a friend, it was held while he was getting the big money with seed. Of course, no one is cared for by actions that can not be proved. Because it is a loose world in which such things have come all the way, it seemed that the sweetness of this battle of boy champ was smart. This player also lost to the other Dominican players next and in this battle it took away the flag of Dominica country became an American player being sponsored from Japan. 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